
She’s Sharing All Of The Wisdom, Life Lessons, And Advice She Wishes She Knew Back When She Was 19-Years-Old Instead Of 44

jorge - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

At every age, there are moments where we wish we could’ve passed down some wisdom we’ve learned to our younger selves.

This becomes especially real once you get past 30 and learn so much more about life than you did when you were a naive teenager.

One TikTok user has touched her viewers through her wonderful advice series, 19 vs. 44.
Jennifer Latch (@jennieferlatch) is a TikTok creator who makes lifestyle-related videos and encourages her viewers to embrace aging and self-growth.

In her series, 19 vs. 44, she talks about all the things she wishes she knew when she was 19 that she didn’t learn or realize until she was 44. Jennifer shares lovely wisdom about all kinds of topics like body image, finances, cooking, aging, etc.

For younger viewers who have yet to turn 44, whether by a few years or decades, Jennifer’s videos are informative and inspiring.

Jennifer has some great advice when it comes to eating and fueling your body.

“Eat for nourishment but do not limit joy,” Jennifer tells her 19-year-old self.

“Food has been used as a tool for both reward and punishment for centuries. The topic is filled with false information and false data. So don’t feel bad if you haven’t figured out how to eat for nourishment, your best health and enjoyment. No one has figured out the best diet that works for every human being on the planet.”

Jennifer also mentions that your body will need different nutritional demands at different points in your life. This is a good reminder not to be scared or guilty when your appetite and taste change.

jorge – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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