
You Can’t Fix A Broken Man Or Get Him To Change, So Stop Wasting Your Time And Find Someone Who Really Meets Your Standards

But here’s something to remember—a man who doesn’t love himself won’t be able to fully and wholeheartedly love you.

That’s pretty true for anyone who doesn’t feel any love for themselves; it becomes hard to love and be a good partner for other people.

Once you start dating someone you slowly realize is broken, who disappoints you time after time, please stop trying to fix him and get him to change.

Instead, go find someone who meets your higher standards, who wants to work to make you happy, and who wants to be there for you as much as you want to be there for them. 

Take it from me, someone who’s had dating experiences with a ‘broken’ man, dating him will feel extremely one-sided. And where’s the joy in that?

You deserve someone who’s not only appreciative of your empathetic love but who also wants to give it back to you. So don’t waste your time trying to fix someone who can’t be fixed.

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