
Her Parents Kicked Her Little Sister Out For Not Contributing Around The House, So She Opened Up Her Own Apartment, But She Wound Up Kicking Her Sister Out, Too, For Not Following Any Of Her Rules

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you invite someone to live in your home while they’re going through a tough time, the least they can do is follow your house rules.

One woman is wondering if she made the right choice after kicking her little sister out of her apartment because she wouldn’t respect her rules and boundaries.

She’s 26 and lives in a two-bedroom apartment. Recently, her 23-year-old sister was kicked out of their parents’ house for not contributing to their home. Her sister had nowhere to go and begged her to live with her. She agreed but told her sister she had to follow her house rules.

“She is in her last year of university, so I said that she didn’t need to contribute financially but had to contribute to household chores,” she said.

“[That was] something she didn’t do when living with my parents. I am a clean person, and I like my house to be neat and tidy. At first, she complied. She kept the kitchen clean, did her assigned chores, and would always clean up after herself. Then recently, around two weeks ago, she started slacking.”

Her sister became a little too comfortable in her home and began trashing it. Not only would she leave the guest bedroom she slept in a wreck, but she also wouldn’t clean up after herself in the kitchen, left clothes and stuff in the living room, dirtied the guest bathroom, etc. 

She works five days a week while her sister mostly has to worry about her classes, so she was getting tired of her sister messing up her home and not cleaning it up pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, whenever she confronted her sister and asked her to pick up her slack, she’d be met with a nasty attitude.

“I sat her down and warned her that I would be kicking her out if she started slacking and turning my apartment into a pigsty,” she recalled.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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