
He’s Thinking Of Breaking Up With His Girlfriend Because She Keeps Hounding Him For Falling Asleep After His Long Workday And Believes They Don’t Spend Enough Time Together

Evrymmnt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his girlfriend, who is 27, have been dating for one year. But, it seems like his job has started to take a toll on his girlfriend’s perception of their relationship.

For some context, he currently wakes up at 5:00 a.m. for work every single day and doesn’t return home until around 4:30 p.m. Then, he’s only able to stay awake for a few more hours until he usually falls asleep at about 8:00 p.m.

“At that point, I’ve been awake for 15 hours,” he said.

However, his girlfriend doesn’t understand why he’s so tired by the early evening and has begun “hounding him” about how they do not spend enough time together.

In his mind, though, this is total bologna – because, first of all, they currently live together. On top of that, they make dinner together every single night.

“And on the weekends, we spend the entirety of them together doing various activities,” he explained.

For instance, they will sometimes go on brewery tours, visit his girlfriend’s parents, plan date nights, or go out to concerts.

Despite that, his girlfriend won’t stop getting upset – telling him that she feels “alone” more often than not. She has even cried on multiple occasions at night simply because he falls asleep pretty early after work.

So, throughout their one-year relationship, he has actually spent thousands of dollars “looking into” his sleep habits and trying to find ways to stay awake longer for his girlfriend.

Evrymmnt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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