
Once She Moves Out, She Won’t Be Able To Help Pay For Her Childhood Home’s Mortgage Anymore, And Her Sisters Are Making Her Feel Horrible About It

He pointed out that the sister who also lives at the house with her got a “‘pretty good deal'” by paying the same amount she does while earning a significantly higher salary. In her boyfriend’s opinion, her sister was angry because she realized she would have to pay more rent and other expenses.

“He also said that ultimately, it’s my sister who refinanced the house’s problem, not mine, adding that I’m the youngest, so they still feel like they have a sense of control over me. The guilt has been eating me alive. I feel like I’m being blackmailed and threatened,” she shared.

It feels unfair that her sisters are so angry in response to her plans to live with her boyfriend. She accepted that they may be frustrated about contributing more money once she moves out and that they’ve taken on more responsibility as older sisters.

However, she has always been grateful for what her sisters have done and given up for her and their mom.

After she moves out of her childhood home, she plans to continue contributing money toward the mortgage once she’s more financially stable. She has a third sister who never contributed to the rent, even while living at their childhood home before she moved out.

What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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