
She Kicked Her Mother-In-Law Out For Commenting On Her Post-Pregnancy Weight And Saying That Her Baby Daughter Was Also “Heavy”

Zamrznuti tonovi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman gave birth to triplets a month ago. She is a twin, so she knew she could be pregnant with multiples, but she was stunned when she learned she was pregnant with triplets. She got pregnant without IVF and had a C-section.

The birth went smoothly, and she had two sons and a daughter. She and her children haven’t had any complications, and parenting three babies has been going well so far, which she wasn’t expecting.

Luckily, her husband, mother-in-law, and twin sister have been incredibly supportive, and she acknowledged that it would be difficult if they weren’t helping her.

When she was a teen, her mom died, and her mother-in-role has been a wonderful maternal figure in her life over the years. She aways adored her husband’s mom, and her mother-in-law was in the room with her husband during her C-section.

Her mother-in-law has helped her with childcare since her triplets were born. Two days ago, her husband had to work late, and her mother-in-law came over to pitch in with childcare.

“Everything was normal until she brought up my baby weight. I’ve been insecure about my body since having the babies, as my stomach isn’t flat anymore,” she said.

At the same time, she attempts to give herself grace because she’s amazed that her body could grow and birth three kids.

Her mother-in-law stared her up and down and then questioned whether women who’ve been pregnant with multiple children gain more weight than women who only gave birth to one child. Understandably stunned, she shrugged and told her she had no idea.

“She replied, ‘You look like you gained a lot, honey. Maybe 20, 25 pounds?’ I said I didn’t know the specifics but didn’t want to discuss it. She got a little defensive and said, ‘Okay, okay, I was just going to suggest that we walk together,’ and held up her hands defensively,” she explained.

Zamrznuti tonovi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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