
She Planned To Bring Her Whole Beauty And Skincare Routine With Her On Vacation, But Her Husband Said It Was Unnecessary And Accused Her Of Thinking The World Was Shallow

Prostock-studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After scrolling TikTok for even a few minutes, it probably seems like every woman has their own version of a skincare or beauty routine.

With the popularization of “Get Ready With Me” videos and a heightened focus on personal wellness over the past few years, many people of all genders have expanded their arsenal of personal care products to both look and feel better.

This woman in her early thirties is no different, and she claims to have an “extensive” beauty and wellness routine. But, unlike what some content creators might lead you to believe, she actually doesn’t enjoy doing it – and she admits that.

“I don’t derive pleasure from it. If I was alone in a cave, I wouldn’t do any of this,” she said.

Yet, over time, she has realized that the better she looks, the nicer people treat her. No, she isn’t getting flown out on jets by random men or even getting free coffees from random strangers.

“But I’ve noticed that men and women of all ages are generally kinder and more accommodating if I am done up,” she explained.

For instance, receptionists typically treat her better if she “looks her best.” Moreover, she’s noticed that her colleagues seem more respectful to her.

So, when she and her husband planned a little weekend vacation, she fully intended to bring her full beauty and wellness routine with her.

However, her husband was pretty against it – even though all of her products fit in two TSA-approved bags.

Prostock-studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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