
She Went On An Awful Date With A Guy That Led To A New Date On That Same Night

EdNurg - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

The most memorable moments in your dating life are probably the ones that are filled with disappointments or mishaps. Although they can be incredibly discouraging, it’s important to stay positive about your prospects.

TikTok user @victoriouzly_moi is describing how one terrible date led her to a new, better date on the same night.

So, the guy picked her up from the place where she was staying in the city. He had made reservations at a Middle Eastern restaurant she had never been to, and she was eager to try the food.

As soon as she got into the vehicle, he began to shower her with compliments in an exuberant manner. He even tried to kiss her.

During the drive, they made small talk. At one point, he asked her what her dating intentions were. Then, he shared his own.

She learned that his intentions did not match hers, which was a shock because their conversations leading up to the date had not indicated at all that they had different values.

They sat in silence for a little while. Finally, he asked her what she wanted to do. She instructed him to drop her off at a different restaurant.

She was disappointed that her evening had fallen through, but she didn’t want to go back to her place and sulk about it. She was hungry, so she perused the menu, trying to decide what food to order.

She ended up going to another restaurant. As she was looking at the menu, an older, well-dressed man walked in. She had seen him around before and assumed he must’ve been a regular at the restaurant.

EdNurg – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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