
His Girlfriend Started Professional Bodybuilding And Looks Nothing Like Her Old Self, So He Wants To Break Up With Her And Start Dating His New Coworker - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Typically, we consider a tried and true partner or spouse to be someone who loves us no matter how different we may look in the future.

However, that isn’t always what happens.

One man is considering breaking up with his girlfriend after she drastically changed her appearance by becoming an intense bodybuilder.

He’s 25 and has been dating his 24-year-old girlfriend for five years. 

“My girlfriend played hockey back in university [and] as a result, she is a bit more muscular than most other women, but nothing crazy,” he explained.

“She was still very feminine and attractive to me as a straight man. However, when she turned 22 and stopped playing hockey, she took up a different hobby: weightlifting. I don’t have any issue with that as I am also an avid gym goer and want both of us to be healthy.”

His girlfriend ended up taking her weightlifting journey to the next level. She started by lifting lowkey weights and transitioned into becoming a full-blown bodybuilder. Her appearance started changing drastically, and he quickly figured out why.

“Somehow, she started taking steroids without my knowledge until a few weeks into it, and a couple of months in, she was starting to look a little different,” he explained.

“Her voice sounded off; her skin got rougher, and the muscle definition on her arms was starting to look sort of similar to mine, which doesn’t sound bad at first, but I’ve been lifting for almost a decade. Fast forward almost two years, she has competed in women’s bodybuilding shows and looks absolutely nothing like she had in the past.” – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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