
Her Husband Came Out To Her After She Found All His Steamy Texts To A Guy He Planned To Hook Up With

Chalabala - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Five years ago, this 26-year-old woman met her 29-year-old husband, and six months ago, they had their wedding. A year and a half ago, they also welcomed their first child into the world.

Now, back when she first began dating her husband, she was open with him about her past experiences with women.

She then asked him if he had ever done anything with guys, and he said he hadn’t. That was that, and the topic never came up again in all the years that they have been together.

Over the weekend, she and her husband took a vacation with their family and in one moment during their trip, her husband struck up a conversation with a guy he knew from a city he used to live in before she met him.

Her husband mentioned wanting to go for a walk around the property where they were staying, and she said that was fine, as she had to put their baby to bed.

While her husband was on his walk, he planned to hook up with the other guy at his hotel, but he ended up not following through with his plan.

After they returned home from their trip, a couple of days later, her husband accidentally left his phone at home before he heading off to work.

She found her husband’s phone and went to text his boss when she saw much more than she bargained for.

“The dirty text, pictures…even planning to meet [with the guy from vacation] the first week of July, which is my birthday weekend,” she explained.

Chalabala – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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