
Her Husband Dropped $15,000 On A “Real Estate Mentor” Without Telling Her, And They Can’t Afford This

sofiko14 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the last 15 years, this 35-year-old woman has been with her 44-year-old husband, and they got married two years into their relationship.

Several weeks ago, her husband mentioned that he wants to get into real estate, specifically section 8 housing.

Her husband thought this would be a great way for them to make some extra money. She did a little research on her own and wasn’t convinced his real estate plan was a good idea.

She was honest with her husband about her opinion, and they don’t have a lot of extra money to invest in real estate right now. Additionally, she’s concerned overall about the economy.

She thought that was the end of the real estate conversation, but then her husband slipped up and told her about what he did behind her back.

“Today, he let it slip that he found some guy on Instagram and paid him 15k to hold his hand and walk him through 3 deals for Airbnb properties, quick flip property, etc.,” she explained.

“I am upset by this because we don’t have 15k just lying around, so he put it on a credit card! We have no credit card debt currently and live mostly debt-free, aside from our house.”

“So I started asking questions, and he said that he didn’t tell me because I was negative all the time and didn’t support his business ideas and goals. We bought a truck and trailer for a business last year that lasted 7 days, and we are still working to sell them; we paid cash for both.”

She went online and looked this “real estate mentor” up, and the first red flag she saw was that this guy didn’t have a big presence online.

sofiko14 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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