
His Girlfriend Had A Meltdown In Front Of His Family Over His Brother’s Engagement, So He’s Doubting He Should Propose To Her In June

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old guy has a girlfriend the same age as him, whom he has been dating for 5 years now.

He has an older brother who is 28, and his brother recently got engaged to his girlfriend of several years.

When he turned around and shared the news of his brother’s engagement with his girlfriend, she absolutely lost it.

“…She drove to my house and started screaming in the middle of the street about how my brother’s girlfriend is a [terrible girl], and she didn’t deserve it, and my family was present for this meltdown,” he explained.

“Once I calmed her down, my mother told her she needed help and that she can’t do that, that it was insane.

“Once we were alone, she basically went off about how terrible my mother is, and I wasn’t having it because my mother is constantly buying little trinkets for her and genuinely treated her like a daughter. Now, I know my mothers not perfect, but she never gets involved in my relationship.”

He has discussed getting engaged to his girlfriend a ton of times, and he also went out and purchased a couple of rings for her.

He had to return every ring he bought, though, after his girlfriend couldn’t decide what style of ring she loved best.

Additionally, he’s spent six months trying to convince his girlfriend to get a place with him, but she keeps saying he should go get his own place, and she will simply sleep over and then move in when she feels like it.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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