
If You’re Getting Married This Summer, Here Are The Best Makeup Tips We Have To Help You Beat The Heat

prostooleh - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

The lure of a romantic summer wedding can be hard to resist. Most hopeful summer brides imagine golden sunlight streaming through the trees on their big day, fragrant flowers in full bloom, and love wafting in the warm air.

But as stunning as a summer wedding may be, the inevitably hot sun can pose quite a challenge for maintaining the perfect bridal makeup.

However, with the right tricks up your sleeve, you can beat the summer heat and help your makeup look flawless from morning until night.

How To Beat The Heat And Save Your Bridal Look

First things first, proper skincare can’t be overlooked when preparing for your big day. When you’re marrying in the summer, it’s all about hydration. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin naturally radiant, and complement this with a hydrating skincare routine.

Look for products with hyaluronic acid that can lock in moisture and make your skin look plump and healthy.

Remember, a good skin care regimen leading up to the wedding is your base. The better your skin, the less makeup you’ll need.

Next, consider a primer as your best friend for summer bridal makeup. It creates a smooth canvas and helps makeup adhere better, increasing its longevity.

With the right primer, your foundation will stay put instead of sliding off with sweat. Bonus tip: mattifying primer can help control the excess oil that may come with the summer heat.

prostooleh – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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