
She Outperformed An Older Coworker In Her New Sales Job And Made Him Look Bad, So He Caused A Scene

This pushed her to confront Jack privately, and she tried asking him if they could find a way to work together better. Still, he actually just brushed her off, claimed she was “too young to understand the dynamics of the workplace,” and said that she needed to respect her elders.

Well, things continued to become even worse when her manager actually decided to make her the team leader for a sales event instead of Jack since she’d been performing so well on the job. Once she was named team lead, Jack became really upset, too.

He actually caused a scene in front of their team, accusing her of being a suck-up and trying to manipulate the managers in order to get ahead.

“I was embarrassed and didn’t know how to respond,” she recalled.

Now, ever since then, things at work have been pretty tense. Apparently, some of her coworkers supported her and agreed that management should recognize hard work – regardless of a person’s age or tenure.

But, other coworkers believed she should have just allowed Jack to continue being known as the top performer as a way of respecting his long career.

“And I feel conflicted. I didn’t set out to make Jack look bad or take his place. I just wanted to do well in my job,” she vented.

Still, now that things are awkward at work, she’s not sure if she should’ve “held back” in order to maintain the peace.

Do you think she should feel bad for being successful at her new job? Or is it Jack’s problem that he’s not keeping up with her? How do you suggest she deal with the tension at work?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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