
She Reconnected With Her Old Ex-Boyfriend, But After He Invited Her Over, She Found Out He Was Unemployed And Living With His Mom At 38-Years-Old

mimagephotos - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’ve ever needed a reason to discourage you from rekindling an old flame, here’s a cautionary tale to make you think twice about it.

TikToker Peyton Knight (@poshmama101) reconnected with an ex-boyfriend, only to discover that he was living with his mom.

Usually, living with a parent isn’t inherently a red flag, but in this case, it definitely was.

A guy she dated five years ago reached out to her, asking to meet up. One night, she happened to be having dinner with her friends in the city where he lived.

She texted him to let him know she was in the area, and he sent her his address, inviting her over.

The address was to a house, and she figured that he had gotten a new place. As they were texting, he told her that he was at the gym but would be wrapping up soon.

When she showed up at the house, he was still in his workout clothes even though she arrived over an hour after he said he would be home.

They sat on the couch in the theater room, watching TV. Suddenly, three small bulldogs jumped up on her lap to greet her.

She asked him when he got new dogs since his other one had recently passed away. He informed her that they weren’t his dogs; they were his mom’s.

mimagephotos – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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