The Secret To Having A Clean House Is The “Small Stuff,” So Here Are Six Simple Habits Of Women Who Always Have Their Homes Together

The feeling of coming home to a clean house is always enjoyable. Cleaning itself is not. You may think that in order to maintain a spotless home, you need to be on your hands and knees scrubbing vigorously at all visible surfaces every other day.
While a deep cleaning is necessary from time to time, it’s not the secret to having a consistently clean house—the small stuff is. Here are some daily little cleaning habits that will make your home sparkle more than ever before.
Make The Bed
For me, personally, the bedroom is always the first place to collect clutter. To keep the clutter at bay, try making the bed every morning. It’s quick, easy, and does a lot to make your room feel put together. If you start with that, it might prevent you from creating a mess immediately after cleaning your room.
Do Laundry Regularly
Don’t let piles of laundry build up every week before finally getting around to washing them. A mountainous load will feel like it takes forever to fold and put away, which will deter you from wanting to complete the chore at all, and that will only cause your laundry pile to grow.
Try doing smaller, separate loads throughout the week to make the task less daunting. Putting on a podcast or an episode of your favorite TV show also helps get you through the folding.
Wipe Down Surfaces
One of the best cleaning habits you can pick up is to wipe down countertop surfaces throughout the day. The moment that I incorporated this into my daily cleaning routine, my life was changed for the better.

Konstantin Yuganov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Keep a hand towel in your bathroom dedicated to wiping up water that spills onto the counter while washing your hands or brushing your teeth.
After meals, wipe down the kitchen counters and dining table. Clearing away crumbs will not only make your home look and feel cleaner but will also prevent you from developing an ant infestation.
Wash The Dishes Immediately
Getting around to the dirty dishes is something I always struggle with. After eating dinner, all you really want to do is sit back and relax, not worry about the dishes. But the longer you wait to take care of them, the harder and more disgusting it is to remove the crust stuck to the surfaces.
So, after you eat, make sure to clean the dishes immediately, whether you’re loading them into the dishwasher or washing them by hand. It may be annoying to arouse yourself from your food coma, but you’ll thank yourself later when you don’t have stacks of dishes in your sink.
Keep The Refrigerator Organized
Expired, rotting food is the exact opposite of neat and tidy. However, that one sneaky tomato stuck at the back of your refrigerator drawer may evade your line of sight until it’s too late.
Every week, check your fridge for any food that has gone bad, throw away leftovers that have been sitting there for days, and wipe down the shelves. Organize your food in a way that makes it easy for you to grab stuff.
Take Out The Trash When It’s Full
Nothing can ruin a clean house faster than a stinky trash can. The trash can is usually where bad odors stem from, so take out the trash when it’s full. In addition, keep the trash can itself clean. Juices and tiny food scraps can make their way out of the garbage bag and into the can without your knowledge, so examine the bottom before replacing the bag.
Just remember that it’s okay if things occasionally get messy. A clean house doesn’t have to be immaculate all the time. There will be days when you have to prioritize what needs to be done based on your energy levels and the amount of time you’ve got.
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