He Left His Girlfriend Because She Brought Home A Golden Retriever Behind His Back, And He’s Afraid Of Dogs

Tanya - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog
Tanya - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

As much as I love dogs, I completely understand if people have a fear of them, and I respect that as much as I can.

One man recently left his girlfriend because she brought home a dog without asking him, knowing he could hardly be in the same room as one.

He and his girlfriend are in their 20s and have been together for over a year. They live together and have a generally great relationship. Up until now, that is.

He has had an intense fear of dogs for years that he hasn’t been able to get over.

“At the beginning of our relationship, I had told [my girlfriend] that I don’t like dogs and can’t be in the same room with one,” he explained.

“Even when I see one in public, I put a good distance between me and the person walking the dog. I told her if she ever wanted a pet, she would have to get a cat or something else that is not a dog.”

The other day, he arrived at their house and was shocked when he saw his girlfriend standing there with a Golden Retriever.

He immediately asked whose dog it was, and his girlfriend told him several times it was theirs with a big smile on her face. Then, his girlfriend said she named the dog and told him he was it’s dad.

“I told her she couldn’t be serious right now, and she replied, ‘Why?’ with a big smile. I didn’t say anything else, so I just left the house and went to a hotel,” he said.

Tanya – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

“While at the hotel, my girlfriend called me a couple of times, but I didn’t answer. Then she texted me, saying that I was overreacting and that my fear of dogs was ridiculous.”

“She said I should at least give it a try and live with a dog for a while and that she and the dog would help me overcome my fear.”

He told his girlfriend that he had no interest in overcoming his fear, as it doesn’t affect him much on a daily basis as long as there isn’t a dog living in his house. He can easily keep his distance from dogs in public, but having one in his house is too much.

Now, he’s trying to figure out what to do. He loves his girlfriend and doesn’t want to be a jerk by making her choose between him and a dog, as she loves dogs, but he can’t live with one.

“She clearly likes dogs, and I don’t, so I was thinking of just breaking up with her, even though she has been amazing throughout the year,” he admitted.

What would you do if you were him?

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