Her Husband Sent Steamy Texts To His Former Affair Partner And Admitted That He Still Loves Her

olly - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
olly - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

It was approximately eight months ago when this 34-year-old woman’s 34-year-old husband revealed that he was cheating on her.

She’s been with her husband for a decade, and after he confessed to the affair, he seemed to be extremely confused about what he should do.

He almost divorced her, as he thought he would be far happier with this other woman, and promised things would be better for the two of them if they were no longer married.

She and her husband share two children, who are eight and five, and the kids were what kept her and her husband together in the end.

They then decided to attend marriage counseling together, and the first several months were pretty amazing.

They’re currently seven months into the healing process, and all of a sudden, her husband seems to be more quiet and reserved.

“The other week, I went through his phone. I have never done anything like that before, but his being withdrawn and distant worried me,” she explained.

“I found messages from him to his affair partner (AP) with a lot of inappropriate things being said. He first told her he was still in love with her but wished he wasn’t. But at the same time very adamant his feelings would die down.”

“Now, that isn’t news to me; he has talked about his feelings for her in [marriage counseling]. Our [marriage counselor] has said that having distance will help with these feelings and also strengthening our marriage would help. I was confident that in time, whatever those feelings were, would die down.”

olly – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

She did come across some very steamy messages exchanged between her husband and his former affair partner, but she could tell her husband tried his best to rein himself in there.

Eventually, her husband’s former affair partner blocked her husband six weeks ago, which was what ended the conversation.

Her husband hasn’t blocked his affair partner, though, and she isn’t sure why her husband chose not to do that.

“I later discovered that on social media, he still searches for her and follows her family members,” she continued.

“Is this an obsession? Or am I being delusional and refusing to accept he could have genuine feelings for her?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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