He Wrote An Email To His Sociopathic Cousin’s Fiancée To Warn Her So She Ended Up Calling Off The Wedding

This Man Used To Be Super Close With His Cousin

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A 25-year-old man has a 27-year-old cousin with whom he used to be very close. A few incidents led this man to take a step back from the relationship he had with his cousin.

But Then He Realized His Cousin’s A Sociopath

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He came to see that his cousin was a complete sociopath who lied and manipulated to no end.

He Stopped Spending Time With His Cousin

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Although he put a lot of distance between himself and his cousin, he would still hear about his cousin’s life.

It Then Dawned On Him That His Cousin Lied About His Crazy Ex-Girlfriends

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He began to realize that the numerous ex-girlfriends that his cousin had were victims of his behavior. They were not crazy like his cousin had said.

Some Of These Women Ended Their Marriages For His Cousin

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These women ended marriages for his cousin; one ended up leaving his cousin’s best friend to be with his cousin, and another even tried to harm herself.

Then He Heard His Cousin Got Engaged To A Very Rich Girl

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Last year, he heard that his cousin got engaged to a very wealthy woman. This man so desperately wanted to tell this woman all the bad things about his cousin that he felt she had a right to know.

His Family Prevented Him From Telling His Cousin’s Fiancée The Truth

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He never got the chance to do so because his brothers and his parents insisted he could not be involved in their relationship.

His Mom Insisted His Couin Changed For The Better

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His mom also tried to convince him that his cousin was a changed man, although he didn’t believe this for a second.

He Was Worried His Cousin Would Destroy This Poor Girl’s Life

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He thought his cousin had the ability to destroy the life of his new fiancée, and he really felt obligated to tell her.

He Tracked Down His Cousin’s Fiancée

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So, he ended up finding this woman’s work email, and he sent her an anonymous email.

He Didn’t Tell Her Who He Was In The Email He Wrote

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“I told her she was free to do as she pleased, but I was just an anonymous well-wisher who needed to tell her about him,” he explained.

He Stressed That His Cousin Would Figure Out He Sent The Email

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“I was anxious for a few months about whether my cousin would find out about the anonymous email and link it back to me.”

His Cousin’s Fiancée Called Off The Wedding

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“A few months later, we heard from my aunt that the engagement had been called off.”

He’s Not Convinced His Email Was The Reason Why

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He is not positive if the email he sent played a role in the ending of the engagement, especially since he never got a reply.

His Family Found Out He Messed With His Cousin’s Life

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His brothers and parents figured out that he had done something to mess with the engagement, and they accused him of meddling with his cousin’s life.

His Mom Is Left Feeling Super Guilty

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His mom is now feeling guilty and has considered telling her sister, who is his cousin’s mom.

Would You Have Done The Same Thing?

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How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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