Her Boyfriend Told Her She Should Take Pills To Lose Weight

Iuliia Pilipeichenko - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Iuliia Pilipeichenko - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Over the last seven months, this 28-year-old woman has been seeing her boyfriend, who is a decade older than she is.

Sadly, her dad was diagnosed not too long ago with pancreatic cancer, and then she stepped up to be his caregiver.

“He unfortunately passed away in my arms, and the entire ordeal was severely traumatic,” she explained.

“I’ve been going to therapy and have expressed to my boyfriend that I want to get back on track eating healthy and back into sports.”

Now, she is 160 pounds and 5’8″ with an athletic kind of body style. She admits she has gained ten or fifteen pounds throughout the last few years.

She knows she isn’t exactly stick thin and could stand to drop a couple of pounds, but she is more concerned with changing her lifestyle to be more healthy than simply shedding the weight.

Yesterday evening, she made a healthy dinner for herself and her boyfriend when he remarked that they should really take Adderall or something in order to lose 40 pounds.

She was so hurt by such an insensitive comment, especially considering she is still mourning the loss of her dad.

“I’ve never taken it before and have no desire. I told him it’s hurtful that he would encourage me to pick up an unhealthy and unnecessary habit while I’m grieving the most traumatic event of my life,” she said.

Iuliia Pilipeichenko – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“He tried to take it back after I was hurt and said he was talking about himself and shouldn’t have said “we,” but he’s made a couple of comments like that before.”

“He claims he loves me the way I am and doesn’t care about my weight, but his comment really hurt me. I want a partner who supports a healthy lifestyle, but this rubbed me the wrong way. How do I handle this?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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