Her Boyfriend Went To Dinner With His Ex-Wife While In Another Country And Didn’t Tell Her About It Beforehand

Kseniia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Kseniia - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Currently, this 26-year-old woman and her 47-year-old boyfriend are both traveling internationally, though they’re on separate trips.

She’s in Asia along with some of her friends, and her boyfriend is in Europe on a work trip. She’s been dating her boyfriend for three years, but before she was in his life, he got married and divorced.

Her boyfriend’s ex-wife is in her late 30s or early 40s, and whenever this woman comes to the country where she and her boyfriend live or her boyfriend ends up in her country for work, her boyfriend meets up with her.

She doesn’t have a problem with her boyfriend spending time with his ex, and he’s seen her probably two or three times throughout their relationship.

However, her boyfriend went out to dinner with his ex recently while on his work trip, and he didn’t tell her about it beforehand.

“My issue is that he made plans to meet her, I didn’t know she would be in the same country as him (for a concert), and then he didn’t ask me if I was cool OR tell me until we finally spoke on the phone two days later,” she explained.

“Granted, he’s been pretty busy with work, and we hadn’t had time for our schedules to accommodate a proper phone call until two days later, but we have been texting off and on throughout every day. So it’s not an excuse.”

“He knows I am generally pretty laid back, sometimes to a fault, so I can see why he might not think I’d have an issue… but at the same time, [heck no].”

When she did have a chance to talk to her boyfriend over the phone, he was heading off to bed, so the call was fast.

Kseniia – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He did bring up going to dinner with his ex two days prior, and she couldn’t help but feel taken aback.

Since the call was coming to an end, she gave an unenthusiastic response but then filled him in on her feelings the following day in a text message.

Her boyfriend acknowledged her feelings and replied that they could talk more about it later. The more she thinks about the situation, the worse she feels.

“I think the fact that if I did the same thing, it would be a very big deal is also what’s upsetting to me,” she said.

“We have a complicated history with my ex, so I think the gravity of the situation reversed would be different, but it’s the principle!”

“I know he has cheated on his other two long-term partners when he’s not satisfied/not happy with the relationship, and we are in a weird spot right now, so knowing that is definitely bugging me also because why should I be any different?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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