Infidelity Has Become Normalized In Her Family And She Doesn’t Want That Energy At Her Wedding, So She’s Thinking Of Excluding Family Members Who Have Cheated On Their Partners

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In some instances, infidelity seems to run in people’s families. It’s a shame, but after years of bad examples, each generation has its own share of cheaters.

One woman doesn’t want her dad’s side of the family to attend her upcoming wedding as they have a long history of cheating on their partners, and she wants to break the cycle with her marriage.

She’s 27 and recently got engaged, so she’s been thinking about what she wants for her wedding.

When thinking about guests, she began thinking about her dad’s side of the family and was already hesitant about inviting any of them.

“I come from a family on my dad’s side where I’d say marital cheating has been normalized,” she explained.

“My grandfather cheated on my grandma and left her to be with a string of new women. Two out of my five uncles have cheated on their wives and left them, and three of my nine cousins have cheated on their partners.”

To make matters worse, her dad’s relatives are all very accepting of their actions, and they’re not ashamed of their infidelity. Sometimes, a relative will bring up another’s former spouse so they can bash them based on petty things and say they “deserved” to be cheated on.

“I’m really upset about this family history of mine, as it goes completely against my values,” she admitted.

“I’ve seen some of my cousins’ lives ruined or at least upended by their fathers’ choices to leave their moms for other younger women.”

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Thinking about her wedding, she’s not sure she’d be happy with any of her dad’s relatives attending.

The thought of them boasting about their current relationships and bashing the partners of their pasts during a day that’s supposed to be dedicated to her love makes her cringe.

“I want to invite my other family members from that side so the cheaters would be sort of signaled out and uninvited,” she explained.

“I probably wouldn’t tell them they were uninvited because of their infidelity, but they’d be a random six people to leave out if they didn’t put together the dots.”

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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