The Woman He’s Dating Got Mad At Him When He Said He Doesn’t Want To Meet Her Kids

luckybusiness - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
luckybusiness - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you enter a relationship with someone who has kids from a previous relationship, you have to be prepared for that person to not want you to meet their kids for a long time.

However, some people may be eager for you to meet their kids rather quickly, which can be uncomfortable.

One man recently started dating a woman he knew in high school and became uncomfortable when she wanted him to meet her kids on their sixth date.

He’s 36 and has been on the dating scene. Recently, he came across a woman named Jennifer, whom he knew from high school, on a dating app and started messaging her. He had a crush on Jennifer back then and was excited to see she was single.

“She told me she got married after high school, had three kids, and amicably separated from her husband,” he said.

“They are still very close; he lives a block away from her, and she works for him. She then met another guy and had another baby, but things didn’t work out with him either. Jennifer told me she also liked me back in high school [so] I took her out on a date, and we ended up talking a lot. I decided to be honest with her and told her I would like to get married and have my own kids one day.”

Jennifer seemed disappointed by his wish to have kids, implying that she was done with having them. Then, she said she was frustrated that he’d “throw away a chance to get to know her kids.

Toward the end of their date, they decided to keep getting to know each other and enjoy each other’s company for the time being.

Then, on their sixth date, Jennifer told him she wanted him to meet his kids.

luckybusiness – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“I told her no because this is a huge step, and we are not there yet,” he recalled.

“She got mad and asked if I can’t be a good stepdad, how on earth will I be a good dad? She said she was willing to have a baby with me. I told her I need to think about it.”

He was very surprised by Jennifer’s sudden change of heart and how quickly she was moving. He also wasn’t sure if his family would approve of her given that they’re quite traditional and conservative and she has a complex marital history.

Should he be more open to meeting Jennifer’s kids?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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