
Her Boyfriend Threatened To Break Up With Her Unless She Puts Her Dog Down

Kirsten Davis/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

While we love our significant others and our pets in different ways, that doesn’t mean we care about one any less than the other.

So, what if you were forced to pick between your partner and your pup? Would the decision be easy, or might you select your pet over a special person in your life?

This young woman was recently confronted with the same choice after her boyfriend gave her an ultimatum, and she actually chose her dog.

For some context, she took in a stray pup – a female mutt named Jas – last year, and she fell in love with her. Since then, she’s gotten her dog all caught up on vaccinations, and according to her, Jas’ behavior has improved a ton.

“Her biggest thing now is that she’s still skittish around strangers, but if that’s the worst of it, so be it,” she said.

Then, just a few months ago, she began dating her boyfriend. While everything in their relationship has been great, there is only one problem – he hates her dog, Jas.

Apparently, her boyfriend insists that her dog is very aggressive since she barks and hides under tables at home whenever he comes over.

She tried explaining how her dog just is not used to him yet since he really doesn’t go over to her house that often.

“But he’s dead set that she needs to put down,” she revealed.

Kirsten Davis/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or dog

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