This young woman is 28-years-old and has cerebral palsy, which can impact her mobility and make her really tired from time to time.
“But I’ve learned to navigate life with it, and honestly, I’ve managed to build a pretty fulfilling routine,” she said.
She currently lives by herself and works full-time. She also really enjoys her life. The only thing she has to rely on is a mobility aid – specifically a crutch – whenever her legs “act up” on some days.
Additionally, she has a solid group of friends who she thinks are great. She feels like they’ve always been inclusive and supportive of her.
Still, there are a few specific friends – particularly those she’s known since childhood – who have been acting differently as of late.
Recently, she noticed that they’ve started treating her like she was fragile or, in her words, handling her with “kid gloves.” And it’s really beginning to bother her.
“Every time we hang out, they hover around me as if I’m going to break. It’s like they think I’m made of glass,” she explained.
For instance, they recently went over to a friend’s house for a game night and ordered some pizza. She was excited to eat, too, so when the food arrived, she stood up and went to grab a plate.
Well, this caused one of her friends to swoop in and start rushing to help her. They even claimed that she shouldn’t “overexert herself.”
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