
She Said That Her Friend’s Baby Looked Like Her Father And Got Scolded

ksyusha_yanovich - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby

Have you ever told someone their baby looks like a certain relative or celebrity, and they got a little upset?

A woman was recently scolded by her friend after telling her she thought her daughter looked like her fiancé in one of the pictures she posted to social media.

She and her best friend are in their early 20s and have known each other since they were around six-years-old.

Her best friend is engaged and has been with her fiancé for a few years. They became parents six months ago after her best friend gave birth to their baby boy.

Since her friend’s son was born, her friend has been posting side-by-side pictures of her baby and herself as a baby.

Her friend seemed to take pride in the fact that her son looked like her.

“Then, the baby gained more features like his dad’s and [looked more like] him at the moment,” she explained.

Her friend seemed weirdly annoyed by this and would tell people she gets more comments about her baby looking like her on social media than her fiancé.

She casually commented on one of her friend’s social media posts, which included pictures of her son, stating that in one photo, her son looks like her fiancé.

ksyusha_yanovich – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby

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