On Friday night, a woman named Suzanne Clarke was driving home from the movies in the Albany, New York, area when she spotted a dog lying underneath the rear wheel of a car.
Horrifically enough, the driver didn’t bother getting out of their car to see what had happened, and someone had to tell them to back up instead of continuing to run the dog over.
What made the situation even more heartbreaking was that the driver of that car rolled away without caring in the least about the dog they had run down.
“Living right near where this happened, I rushed to get anything I could to help relocate this dog that had ran away injured,” Suzanne explained in a Facebook post.
“I then learned this was not the only car, but the SECOND CAR to hit this dog and drive away without a care in the world.”
“She finally grew too tired and couldn’t run anymore, and we were able to find her with a massive injury to her head and further potential internal injuries.”
Suzanne called animal control, which was closed, and then phoned the Albany Police Department. She was told it would be another hour to an hour and a half until anyone could come to collect the dog, who had suffered from her injuries for around an hour at that point.
Not wanting to watch this poor girl in pain, Suzanne took it upon herself to drive her to a local emergency vet.
Once Suzanne arrived, the vet told her that the dog was lucky to be alive and wouldn’t have survived if she had to wait another one or two hours to receive veterinary care.
“She needed her eye removed, suffered from lung damage, and her liver is at elevated levels, but she will survive,” Suzanne added.
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