
She Quit Her Job To Be A Stay-At-Home Mom And Just Found Out Her Boyfriend’s Cheating On Her With A Coworker

undrey - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Barely four months ago, this 32-year-old woman gave birth to her baby, and she sadly just found out that her 31-year-old boyfriend is cheating on her with his coworker.

A couple of weeks ago, she caught her boyfriend texting something she did not find appropriate to his coworker, but she turned the other way.

She managed to make herself believe that she was being crazy, but ever since, she’s had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that something more is happening.

Mainly at night, her boyfriend leaves his phone unlocked, but she couldn’t bring herself to take a look until recently.

“I convinced myself that, “I trust he wouldn’t hurt me” and that it was just my PPD getting the best of me,” she explained.

“Tonight, I finally looked. I was right. They’re even telling each other, “I love you.” She acknowledges me so many times and how she doesn’t want to be the reason he feels guilty.”

“But that she wants them to be together. He says he wants to be with her but doesn’t want me to leave with his baby… I’m so numb right now.”

She’s been with her boyfriend for the last three years and recently quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom to their newborn.

Back when she chose to leave her career behind, she thought she was so lucky to be able to do that and focus on being a mom.

undrey – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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