
She’s Thinking About Divorcing Her Husband Because He Wants Her To Use Her Inheritance To Help Out His Family

comodigit - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For 31 years, this 50-year-old woman has been married to her 52-year-old husband, and a couple of years ago, they bought her in-law’s farm.

They went on to build their dream home on the property, and they raise cows. Now, she and her husband stepped in to care for her husband’s parents and his sister, who has Down syndrome, when no one else would help care for them.

She believes in caring for your loved ones, so she had no problem allowing her in-laws to move in with them and never thought twice about it.

“However, I think his family resented us for this and somehow feels like they are owed something because we own the family farm,” she explained.

“And for some reason, my husband thinks he has to take care of his other sisters even though there is nothing wrong with them except they have low IQs.”

This all brings us to the present: she recently inherited a large sum of money from her mom and dad, but she hasn’t told her husband how much it is.

Her husband’s angry with her for not being transparent, and he does not have access to the bank account where her money is now.

Her husband has been asking her to use her inheritance to build a home on their property for his sisters to move into. He says that way, his sisters won’t have to pay rent to live in apartments any longer.

“He wants us to pay their property taxes and insurance because “they won’t be able to afford that,” but they can pay their utilities,” she said.

comodigit – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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