She Set Out On A Roadtrip But Vanished After Reportedly Sounding Disoriented While Talking About Angels And A Hitchhiker On A Phone Call With Her Dad

In 2020, forty-five-year-old Fauna Frey temporarily moved to Dexter, Oregon, to live with her older brother and father. The trio was running a family business together that specialized in building and selling homes in Lane County.
Then, on June 19, Fauna’s older brother died suddenly following an unexpected heart attack– and she was the one who discovered her deceased sibling.
Fauna was heartbroken, especially since she was the sole surviving sibling in her family. Her sister had already passed away in 2006, and her mother had died two years prior.
So, by June 27, Fauna decided to go on a road trip to clear her head and give some of her older brother’s personal effects to one of his friends. She reportedly left her home at about 8:00 p.m. that evening and planned to travel from Dexter, Oregon, to Grants Pass, Oregon.
After driving a bit that night, it is believed Fauna pulled over and spent the evening in her car. Where exactly she pulled over has remained unknown.
But, on the morning of June 28, Fauna traveled to a gas station known as Creswell 76 to purchase a few items. And at 11:45 a.m., she successfully made it to her brother’s friend’s house and reportedly stayed there for about half an hour.
What Fauna did for the rest of the afternoon is not known; however, at about 7:45 p.m. that evening, she arrived in Grants Pass, Oregon, and checked into a Super 8 hotel. At that point, she also decided to give her father a call.
As soon as Fauna’s father answered the phone, though, he could reportedly tell that his daughter seemed off. He recalled Fauna sounding distraught and disoriented– discussing angels and mentioning how she had given a female hitchhiker a ride earlier that day in Wilderville.

Oregon State Police – pictured above is Fauna
Still, the call between Fauna and her father eventually ended, and she was later caught on camera while shopping at a Fred Meyers superstore located in Grants Pass.
While inside, she bought a wide range of items– including shampoo, conditioner, socks, activewear clothing, beer, chips, and a deli sandwich.
Fauna then presumably traveled back to the Super 8 and spent the night in her hotel room because at 8:35 a.m. on June 29, she checked out of the hotel. Then, she packed her bags in her car and set out back on the road.
At around 11:45 a.m., Fauna stopped at Umpqua Bank in Rogue River, Oregon, to withdraw two hundred dollars in cash.
Then, just over forty-five minutes later, she was caught on camera shopping at a Big 5 Sporting Goods location in Grants Pass, Oregon.
While there, she purchased some more clothing items, such as tennis shoes and a sports bra. In addition, Fauna also bought camping gear, including a lantern and flashlights.
Then, by 2:35 p.m., Fauna phoned a small motel named Weasku Inn– located on the Rogue River– and made a reservation for the evening. Her father reportedly told her to rent a cabin as opposed to a room so that way she would be more comfortable.
And after getting her accommodations in order, Fauna headed out to shop one last time. She visited the Gooseberries grocery store, located in Grants Pass, to pick up iced coffee cans, tuna, and a smoothie.
Tragically, though, that was the final time Fauna’s credit card was ever used. She did not show up for her reservation at the Weasku Inn that evening and has never been heard from by her family again.
After two days of trying to reach his daughter and failing, Fauna’s father grew frantic and filed a missing person’s report with the Josephine Cunty Sheriff’s Office on July 1, 2020.
But, it was not until September 30, 2020, that Fauna’s car was found. She had driven a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee that was dark blue with an Oregon license plate 339EYB.
The vehicle was discovered locked and abandoned in a rural region on Reuben Mountain Road, which was just a few miles away from Gave Creek Boat Landing. Authorities believed that the car had been left sitting there for at least a month.
The police then launched a widespread search of the area using both cadaver dogs and search teams. But, the search yielded no evidence of foul play or a crime at all.
So, the DNA evidence and fingerprints in Fauna’s vehicle were not deemed a high priority for processing.
Her personal belongings, such as her cell phone and laptop, were also left at home in Dexter, Oregon.
While on the road, Fauna had been using a burner cell phone to keep in touch with her father. Her bank account also showed no activity past its use at the Gooseberries grocery store on June 29, 2020.
All of these facts led authorities to believe that Fauna had possibly gone camping either in Brookings or Josephine County. Despite that, though, she has not been found or heard from since.
Fauna was five foot six, weighed between one hundred and thirty-five pounds and one hundred and fifty pounds, and had blonde hair and blue eyes.
She was last seen wearing cotton Capri black leggings, a purple or pink zip-up jacket, a white shirt, and light-colored sneakers. Fauna also had a tattoo on her lower back that authorities believed was a butterfly.
If you have any information regarding Fauna’s disappearance or whereabouts, you are urged to contact the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office at (541) 474-5117.
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