Her Husband Rated Her A Six Out Of Ten, And Now She’s Worried She’s Ugly But Never Knew

Marianna - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Not that long ago, this woman came across a subreddit dedicated to rating people. You submit your photo, and strangers out there on the internet assign you a rating between one and ten, depending on how attractive they think you are.

“I was amazed that some women do this and take the feedback like champs. Some of the comments are brutal, and some people are outright mean. I could never do it,” she explained.

“I shared this with my husband over dinner last night. I told him how much I admire the confidence, self-esteem, and bravery it takes—at least in my opinion—to let others rate you and not let it affect you.”

“I told him I’d be terrified, that I wouldn’t remember any of the positive comments, and that the negative ones would probably cause irreparable damage.”

She does not have the best confidence in herself, and honestly, it’s rather low. Despite having poor self-esteem, she never burdens others, and she definitely does not make it an issue for her husband.

She’s not the kind of woman to go around seeking compliments in order to feel better. She does not ask people around her how she looks, and she has never asked a single soul for a rating. She would be too scared to hear the truth.

Other than how she looks on the outside, on the inside, she can’t see a lot of faults. She has a great sense of humor, and she’s even-keel.

But anyway, over dinner yesterday evening, while they were talking about ratings, her husband offered to give her one, which she thought would not end in disaster.

He looked her dead in the eyes and said she was a six out of ten, which horrified her! He quickly backpedaled and stated that when she doesn’t have clothes on, she’s definitely a ten.

Marianna – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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She knows her husband inside and out, and it’s clear to her that he was not joking around when he threw out six instead of ten.

“I’ve never considered myself a ten, but I had always assumed my husband saw me that way because I certainly see him as one,” she continued.

“Isn’t there some sort of unspoken rule to at least lie in situations like this? To say something kind instead of being brutally honest?”

“It’s worth mentioning that this is completely out of character for him. He’s usually kind, loving, and supportive. That’s why I’m convinced he was telling the truth—because I don’t believe he’d ever intentionally hurt me.”

“Now, I don’t know how to recover from this. His words feel like a thorn stuck in my soul, and I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. My self-esteem is in the gutter, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read

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