Her Husband Thinks She’s Selfish For Not Allowing His Ex-Wife To Live In Their Guest House After Her House Burned Down

Three years ago, this 30-year-old woman got married to her 34-year-old husband. He has a 10-year-old daughter named Mia with his ex-wife, and she’s always done her best to show her husband respect with how he co-parents.
Her husband’s ex-wife Sarah is not a woman she feels she needs to be friends with, though she maintains her good manners so Mia doesn’t suffer in this situation.
Sarah unfortunately lost her home two weeks ago in a fire, and although she and Mia were not injured, they lost nearly everything they owned.
“She’s been staying in a motel, and Mia mentioned that Sarah was struggling financially to afford it,” she explained.
“My husband suggested that Sarah move into our guest room temporarily until she gets back on her feet. I told him I wasn’t comfortable with that. I don’t dislike Sarah, but I don’t want her living in our house.”
“It feels like a huge invasion of privacy, and I think it could blur boundaries. I suggested helping her find a more affordable place or even contributing to her motel costs instead. My husband got upset and said I was being selfish and not thinking of Mia, who would probably feel better knowing her mom was safe and nearby.”
While Sarah has not spoken to her directly, Sarah has mentioned to her husband that she believes moving into their guest house would be the best thing for her to do.
Ever since she put her foot down and told her husband Sarah cannot be their guest, he’s been pulling away from her.
Mia is treating her strangely as well, and she’s convinced either Sarah or her husband informed Mia that she declined to let Sarah have a roof over her head.

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She does feel a lot of guilt for saying no, but she thinks it’s time to create rules here. Regardless, she’s left wondering if it is mean of her to not allow Sarah to take over the guest house.
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You can read the original post below.

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