Her Husband’s Getting Way Too Close And Flirty With A Female Coworker, And She’s Concerned He’s Crossing The Line

Eight months ago, this 36-year-old woman’s 39-year-old husband began a new job. It wasn’t long before he made friends with his coworkers, and he got along great with everyone at the office.
Her husband says all of his coworkers are friendly with one another, but several months in, she realized he was going on and on about his one 26-year-old female coworker.
He brought this girl up more than anyone else, and he said this girl was training him since he slid into the role she previously held.
“5 months in, we went on an anniversary trip, and he got everyone small identical gifts; he got HER a different gift that was a little cuter and priced higher,” she explained.
“I was not happy about it, and it ruined the trip for me. He also would not tell me who it was for because he “didn’t want to make me mad.”
“I told him even if I did believe that he bought her something special because “she’s so nice,” it was inappropriate to single her out that way, and if she truly sees him as a friend and nothing else, it might be creepy for her as well, since she’s married. He said he understood where I was coming from and promised to do better.”
Then, her husband said he would like to go out for happy hour with his coworkers. She was not thrilled he asked her, but she felt too bad to tell him he wasn’t allowed to go.
Her husband has been out with his coworkers drinking before, and every time, she’s felt uneasy about it. Her husband stated that his coworkers wanted to celebrate his upcoming birthday, so she said it was fine.
What upset her was that her husband never texted her to check in, and he stayed out longer than he said he would.

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When she sent her husband a text, he agreed to come home shortly, yet an hour later, he finally said he was on his way. She was extremely angry with him.
As soon as her husband returned home, they got into a fight. She demanded that her husband give his phone to her, which he was reluctant about.
She then learned her husband was out alone with two of his female coworkers and one of those girls her husband has never spoken about, though he promises he has; the other girl is the one she’s already worried about.
She kept looking through his phone and uncovered all of these chats with his one 26-year-old female coworker, whom he talks to all day, every day.
“It seems flirty to me but nothing grossly inappropriate. It’s all very cute, like a school crush. It reminds me of when we first started dating,” she said.
“They send each other songs and have private playlists together. He again is swearing to me that nothing has happened; they’re just friends, and she’s just a good and very nice friend. I can understand work crushes, but there’s been many red flags mounting up to this. There [were] months of deleted messages from her; I don’t understand what needed to be deleted if I had never had access to his phone before tonight.”
“It hurts most how cute they are, and all the songs they have shared are mostly cute love songs. They’re declarations. I’m just so hurt by this. He could have had his little crush, whatever. But I think this is too far. And he lied to go out with her; the second girl seems just like a buffer to me. I don’t know if I’m overreacting, I don’t know if I’ll ever get over it. I don’t have anything solid regarding cheating, and I don’t want to blow up our life over this.”
Do you think she has every right to be concerned about how close her husband is with his coworker?
You can read the original post below.

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