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She Met Up With A Guy For A First Date, Only To Find Out That He Lied About His Height So She Blocked Him

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A woman recently met a guy through a dating app, and he clearly stated that he was 5′ 10″.

She agreed to meet up with him for a first date, but when she saw him in real life, she could tell he straight up lied about his height.

She’s 5′ 4″ herself, and this guy was only an inch taller than her at best, which is way shorter than advertised.

“I noticed on the date but didn’t want to make a big deal right then and there so I didn’t say anything but I definitely noticed,” she explained.

“It started to bother me so a few days later I asked why it said 5′ 10″ on his profile when it was obvious he wasn’t.”

“He had zero remorse and said, “Well many of you care too much about height and I wanted more matches.”

She did confront the guy about lying to her face, before stating that being dishonest isn’t a quality that many people would rate as attractive.

Also speaking about attractiveness, she’s not into guys who are on the shorter side, and she wasn’t interested in this guy either.

Surprisingly, this guy expected her to ignore the fact that he tried to deceive her, and continue speaking with him.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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