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Her Boyfriend Is Mad She Did Not Offer Her Bed To His Twelve-Year-Old Daughter After She Took Them In Following A Wildfire

kleberpicui - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

This woman’s boyfriend has three daughters who are twelve, seven, and five years old. And while she has known the kids for months and believes they are great children, she also recognizes that they are a bit spoiled.

Nonetheless, when a wildfire broke out near her boyfriend’s home this past week, and he and his children were forced to evacuate, she quickly jumped in to help and offered up her home.

Her boyfriend’s oldest daughter has been struggling with some health issues and was at the hospital getting treatments at the time of the wildfire.

So, her boyfriend’s nanny arrived at her home first and brought along her boyfriend’s two younger daughters.

Then, about an hour later, he arrived with his oldest. The oldest daughter apparently fell asleep on the ride back after her treatments, so her boyfriend carried her inside and did not want to disturb her.

“He asked where he could put her down, so I showed him to the room I had planned on all of the children and the nanny sharing,” she recalled.

She often babysits for her brother, so she already had a guest room equipped with two sets of bunk beds. In turn, every child and the nanny would each have their own bed to sleep in.

But, her boyfriend was not satisfied with this arrangement.

Apparently, he did not want his oldest daughter to sleep in the same room as her siblings because he wanted her to rest and believed the siblings would disturb her.

kleberpicui – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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