
Teen Found Murdered In The Trunk Of Her Car After Her Family Used An iPhone App To Figure Out Where She Had Gone

Authorities began looking into what had happened to Sabrina, and their first step was questioning Troy since he had been the last one to see her alive.

Eventually, Troy confessed to murdering Sabrina. He told detectives that after she had arrived at his home, she walked into the kitchen and he was behind her.

While she wasn’t looking, Troy pulled a cord from off the top of his refrigerator and used it to strangle Sabrina to death.

Troy then carried Sabrina out to her car, threw her in the trunk, and drove off. He spent some time behind the wheel, choosing a good spot to get rid of her and her car before pulling over.

Although Troy never told authorities why he took Sabrina’s life, he pleaded guilty to her murder. He was sentenced to 45 years behind bars, and also ordered to pay a $10,000 fine.

Twitter; Sabrina is pictured above in front of street art that says “good vibes”

While Drake performed a concert in Houston shortly after Sabrina’s murder, he took the time to acknowledge her, as she was supposed to be in the crowd that night.

“So look, tonight, I just want to start the show a little different,” Drake addressed the crowd in the video Sabrina’s cousin shared on Twitter.

“I wanted to let you know, it was a young girl by the name of Sabrina Herrera. She was supposed to be at the show tonight, she had saved her money and she had got her tickets, she had bought an outfit.”

“She had some passes and I was supposed to meet her tonight and unfortunately, about four weeks ago, she was killed.”

“So I don’t mean to bring the mood down, I don’t want to make this a downer, I just want to celebrate her life tonight.”

“She was from Houston and I want y’all to make some noise. We going to do this for Sabrina tonight. Her whole family is here with us tonight, so I want to do this not only to celebrate her life, I want you to celebrate each and every one of your lives tonight cause you never know.”

“So I want everybody in here to show as much love as you can so she can hear us up top.”

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