
Museum Apologizes After The Remains Of A Victim Were Used To Teach Classes Without The Family’s Permission

On May 13th, 1985 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Police Department bombed a house sitting on Osage Avenue.

It was 6221 Osage Avenue to be exact, a row house that members from a black revolutionary group called MOVE were living inside of.

After a violent standoff between MOVE and police officers, the Philadelphia Police Department was given permission to drop a bomb via helicopter on the row house containing MOVE members.

11 people inside of the row house ended up dying after a fire swept through, and the fire continued to burn, eating up 65 houses that sat close by.

Somehow, the remains of one of those eleven victims ended up in the possession of the Penn Museum for more than 3 decades.

Throughout that time, the victim’s remains were used to teach a class…without their family giving permission for this to be done.

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