
What Do The Movies Get Wrong About Jail? Allow These Former Inmates To Fill You In

Ever wonder what the movies get wrong about jail? Well, Reddit user Warlock1509 decided to ask if any former inmates would be willing to answer, and they did, along with a few people that used to work in jails.

Read on for all of the surprising reasons people gave about what the movies don’t get right about being locked up.

“People are generally nice to you. Anything you do to anyone else in jail ends up getting tacked on to charges/sentences. I hear prison is much different.”


“There really aren’t bars on windows and doors anymore. It’s mostly plexiglass nowadays.”


“Most of them aren’t hardened criminals. They simply made a mistake, or came from a bad situation, and are genuinely trying to assimilate back into society.”

“Also, some of these dudes are hella smart. Trying to get a job as an ex-con is very difficult. If they never got involved with drugs or gangs they’d be major contributors.”


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