
What Do The Movies Get Wrong About Jail? Allow These Former Inmates To Fill You In

“There was no stinking, dark hole, although I’ve heard tales of jails in Texas and other parts of the south where this may still be the case…”


“Always laughed at the idea of sending people to jail for drug abuse. I doubt there’s a jail where you can’t get drugs in.”

“Sure, it might take a couple days, at most a week to get an “order” in, but it’s easier to get drugs in jail than it is on the outside in most cases.”

“Having the money to pay for them, however, is different.”


“I worked briefly as a sheriff’s deputy and part of the job was to pull a shift at the county jail. This was a smaller suburban county where all the “rich” people lived so not exactly LA County or The Tombs.”

“Anyway I’d spend most of the shift staring at monitors of the cameras inside the dorms and cell blocks. It wasn’t uncommon to see guys spend up to 18 hours sleeping. Especially the ones stuck in segregation.”


And then, the conversation turned to international lockup.

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