
She Doesn’t Want To Name Her Newborn After Her Husband Who Passed Away And She’s Telling The Internet Her Mother-In-Law Is Irate With Her

“I went through a very very similar situation. My partner also passed away unexpectedly and his mother and I have remained in contact still to this day.”

“I got pregnant and had my little guy 9 months ago. She never once asked me to do something like this.”

“She knew it would be super awkward for my new partner and she still has my back. You X-MIL is having trouble moving on and being very childish and selfish.”


“It’s great that you have maintained a great relationship with your late husband’s mother. That doesn’t change the fact that your kids have no connection to Michael.”

“It would be unfair to your husband and to the kid. “Does your name have a story?” “Oh yeah, I was named after my mom’s first husband.” The names should be important to both of you or at least have some…logical meanings.”

“It’s not like you were in a poly relationship and one partner died. Also where I live, it is said that it’s bad luck to name a child specifically after someone dead.”


“She is giving you an unfair ultimatum. As difficult as this is for her to understand, those babies are yours and John’s.”

“It sounds like she may be struggling with her grief about not getting to meet any of Michael’s children and is trying to compensate for that.”

“You might lose her over this, but do what feels right for the family you have now. It sounds like you knew Michael pretty well and know how he would have felt about this.”

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