She Let Her Large Dogs Chase The Neighbor’s Kids Out Of Her Yard And Now She’s Telling The Internet She’s Being Accused Of Traumatizing The Kids
A woman and her fiancé moved into a new house several months ago, along with their 1-year-old son.
Her neighbors have 3 kids (all boys) that are 14, 12, and 9. When she first moved into the neighborhood, the kids were pretty good.
She would constantly see them running outside, tossing sticks around, or playing on their scooters, which didn’t bother her at all. That’s all basic kid stuff.
Not long ago though, the kids started creeping closer to her house and their innocent behavior turned worrisome.
Her 14-year-old neighbor’s son began tossing all kinds of trash into her yard, and it happened so frequently that her fiancé basically had a part time job picking up all the junk and trying to keep their yard clean.
Things escalated from there.
“Then, all 3 children started digging holes in our yard, banging on the door, and I even caught them trying to “lockpick” my front door with a bobby pin,” she explained.
“This had happened 4 to 5 times already. Of course, I brought this up to their mother who has done little about it.”
“They seem to have very little supervision and apparently cps had already been called numerous of times because of how often they seemed to be left alone.”
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While she was speaking to their mom, she revealed that she does have 2 large dogs, and she only got them to protect her and her family from strangers.
She pointed out to the mom that if her kids did end up breaking into her home, the dogs would do something about it and her kids would most likely get injured.
Now, she doesn’t wish to see the kids get injured, so that’s the reason why she brought this all up to their mom.
This mom couldn’t care less about her warning though. The mom told her if her dogs did anything to her kids, she would make sure she got arrested and she would also make sure her dogs would be euthanized.
Since this mom did absolutely nothing to rein in her kids and keep them safe, this woman realized she would have to do something.
One day when she caught the neighbor’s kids creeping close to her property, she let her dogs out to growl and bark at them.
Her dogs respond perfectly to her commands, and she gave her dogs a command to do that to the kids.
That’s all her dogs did though, and she got the desired result because the kids took off running and screaming back to their own house.
Her dogs were waiting at the edge of her property as she had instructed them, and once the kids ran off, she called to her dogs to come back inside.
Several days passed and everything was quiet, but then the mom and a police officer showed up at her front door.
The mom accused her dogs of biting her kids and she accused her of basically traumatizing the kids while putting the neighborhood at risk.
Luckily, she had security cameras, and she was able to show the video footage from that to the police officer. Clearly, the mom was lying.
The police didn’t move forward with anything after seeing the videos, but the mom is “trying to keep the case open.”
The kids never creep on her property anymore, and she thinks that she never did anything really wrong here.
She’s still trying to keep the case open, but I feel as if I’ve done little to no wrong. Her boys don’t bother us anymore, and her children aren’t hurt and were never going to be.
She then added, “I did tell the police that they were attempting to break into my house, it was obvious from the video too.”
“I just decided not to press charges considering the only reason they’re acting like this is because they have a neglectful mother.”
Here’s what the internet had to say.
“Be careful they don’t try to harm your dogs when you’re not at home.”
“…You did those kids a favor by (safely) showing them what could happen when trespassing. Do you have security cameras for both the front and back doors? If not, I would install some just in case the mother tries to retaliate. Also, maybe have a camera inside your house as well?”
“OMG you let your trained dogs out into your own yard? What a criminal. And you let them bark at children?”
“You’re just a monster aren’t you? And security footage? So you admit to recording young boys without their knowledge, predator.”
“I had neighbors move because their next door neighbor threw poisoned food over the fence. Their German shepherd (who was a beautiful sweetheart) survived after some intensive vet treatment.”
“But they decided they didn’t want to keep living next to a crazy lady. They got a good price on their house though and ended up in a nicer place.”
“We’re still here with the crazy lady, but she’s not an immediate neighbor.”
“… I think at this point you should start whatever legal proceedings are open to you. These kids sound like they are very badly behaved and its quite obviously the result of their mother’s lack of concern and discipline.”
“What if they throw something poisonous into your yard? The mother already tried to bring false charges against you and if you hadn’t had security footage it could have endangered your dogs, this is not acceptable. Please be safe, and good luck!”
You can read the rest of the advice the internet had for her here.
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