
Her Mother-In-Law Called Her A Bad Mom At Her 1-Year-Old’s Funeral And Now She’s Telling The Internet She Doesn’t Want To Go To The Apology Dinner

“I can only speak for myself, but I would never be in a room with this woman again, and any suggestion by my husband that I should would be grounds for divorce.”

“Even if that paradoxically meant she would get more time with the new baby than otherwise. What she did is unforgivable, even before the funeral.”

“Truly, literally unforgivable. Even if she is genuinely sorry. Which she is not. The timing of this is not a coincidence. She’s ready to apologize so she can start again with the new baby.”


“Agreed. MIL is a despicable monster. Conveniently wants to make a grand apology in front of everyone so she can get access to the new baby.”

“Forgiveness is not a word you can use to manipulate people. Forgiveness is not a concept you should let abusive people wield to get their way. Not everyone deserves forgiveness.”


“She literally only sees you as a living incubator. Please ask your husband to be on your side, or go to therapy. She assaulted you at your child’s funeral, she would be beyond dead to me.”


You can read her original post on Reddit here.

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