
His Wife Miscarried And He’s Telling The Internet He Blamed Her Entirely For It

The following day, his sister took Annie home from the hospital, and since then, he has ignored Annie.

When Annie got home, she did say to him she would quit her job, and he retorted that he did not understand why it took losing their baby for her to feel like this.

His sister overheard the whole conversation and said he was awful for talking to Annie that way. He initially did not understand why he was the worst for speaking to Annie how he did.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“This is hard enough as it is and is not your wife’s fault. Also, half your post is about how well off you are and it all sounds controlling…”


“Your wife wanted to maintain her independence, and instead of supporting her, you fought her on it. I’m sure that did wonders for her stress levels.”

“Then, when one of THE WORST THINGS A PERSON CAN EXPERIENCE happened to her, instead of supporting her you blamed her for it! Where is your empathy? Where is any display of love for your wife? What happened to “in sickness and in health”?”

“Regardless of whether or not your wife was actually to blame here, I guarantee you she’s already dealing with enough guilt for both of you because the human body is hardwired that way. She does not need you chiming in with “I told you so”.”

“Hopefully, this experience is the wake-up call she needs to get out of this toxic relationship and find someone who understands that “supportive” isn’t just an architectural term. Meanwhile, you can go off and find yourself the meek little stay-at-home housewife you clearly want.”


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