
Beautiful Young Physician Vanished The Day Before 9/11 Under Strange Circumstances

What’s interesting is that someone who worked at that Century 21 remembered seeing Sneha while she was shopping in the department store, and she was with a woman that was reportedly a friend of hers. This friend was about 5 feet 2, weighed approximately 115 or 120 pounds, and was perhaps East Indian.

Around 11 or 11:30, Ron comes home from work and Sneha is not in their apartment. Now, that didn’t initially concern Ron at all because she would frequently stay with one of her family members or friends when Ron was working late hours.

Ron thought she had to be with one of her loved ones, and he went to bed thinking nothing of her disappearance.

He was simply annoyed she hadn’t bothered to get in contact with him, because that wasn’t exactly like her.

The next morning was September 11th. Ron got up and went to work. At 8:43 in the morning, a slender brunette is seen near the elevators in their apartment building. She then turns and leaves the building, but the video is not of great quality and the sun was hitting at an angle. Was that Sneha?

This was just a few moments before the first plane hit the World Trade Center. When Ron realized the tragedy that had struck Manhattan, he started to panic about where Sneha really was.

He desperately tried to call her, but he couldn’t get through. She didn’t pick up. He tried to get back to their apartment, and it took him 6 grueling hours to get down to lower Manhattan.

When he finally arrived, the front doors to the building were not working due to power being lost in the area. He couldn’t get in. He had no idea if Sneha might be safely inside.

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When Ron was able to get into the building after the front doors had been opened, he noticed their apartment was completely coated in dust.

They had left a window open for a little fresh air, and dust from the buildings coming down had seeped inside. The paw prints on the dust that their cats had made were the only signs of life.

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