
Her Ex Has Been Using Her Niece To Spy On Her And She’s Telling The Internet He Was Paying Her Niece To Do It


“If your ex had been even SLIGHTLY more unhinged, you could very well have been hurt or even killed because of Amelia’s actions.”

“Amelia needs to understand that you never reveal personal information about ANYBODY to someone else without that person’s express permission.


“Your niece is 15, not 5, she should’ve known better. It was not her business to get involved with you and your ex.”

“Your ex is terrible for paying your niece to be his personal spy.”


“She is 15 years old. That is old enough to understand right from wrong, and definitely old enough to where she needs to have consequences for her decisions.”

“It was not all your ex’s doing at all – he could not have done this without your niece’s agreement. If she is to learn from this event, she cannot profit from it in any way.”

“Also, don’t buy what your ex is telling you. When he said he would not have resorted to this if you had done something else – this is typical behavior of a bully and an abuser – they will try to turn around the blame for their bad behavior onto the victim.”

“Ultimately, he made the decision to pay your niece to spy on you, so this is entirely on his (and her) shoulders. Not yours.”

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