
Her Sister Is Wearing Revealing Clothing Around Her Fiancé And She’s Telling The Internet Her Sister Didn’t Handle It Well When She Confronted Her

“Kick her out. Kick her out NOW. I don’t give a damn about the dumpster fire that’ll start online. No one should be sexually harassed in their own home.”

“That’s the real sexist part about this. If it was a woman being sexually harassed by her fiancé’s brother this would be seen as totally different.”


“My 10 years older sister-in-law (married to my husband’s brother, has admitted she’s jealous of us) openly trots around in a bikini when my husband and I are at their house sometimes.”

“It’s just sad and makes him super uncomfortable because it’s so obvious she’s trying to flaunt something he doesn’t want to see. She’ll do yard work in a bikini (no shorts or anything) in the front yard for no reason, but only when he’s there.”


“Sis needs to find a new place to live. I’ve seen this type of woman in action before, she is a danger to your relationship. Sis can take her bananas and short shorts elsewhere.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say to her here.

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