
She Had To Be Airlifted To A Hospital So She Called Out Of Work And She’s Telling The Internet That After Her Boss Threatened To Fire Her Over It She Quit

“Not only are you not the a******, but you should also be proud of yourself. You stood up for yourself. And it would seem you called their bluff since now they want you back. Do not go back.”

“I have a family member (cousin) who is working as a server in a restaurant (dinner) and I really would love to see them do the same.”


“I’ll say this, I had an accident last year that was very severe and also had an air ambulance come to get me. I work in hospitality too and let my boss know as soon as I was conscious before the first of many operations.”

“The response from my manager, ‘don’t worry about us, you just heal and we’ll give you 2 full months wages so that you don’t have to worry about money as well as your health’.”

“…Good on you for walking out, especially in these times where your work ethic and values are gold in a struggling industry right now.”

“Don’t go back and find a place that truly sees how good you are and show it and don’t work for any less.”


“I worked in the restaurant industry for almost a decade, I’ve never seen someone treated so poorly. You did the right thing, especially right now, you’re a lot more valuable to them than they are to you.”


“Does anyone else think this point system is weird? I have never worked anywhere that does this. Is this a location thing? I’m in the Midwest US and I don’t even know anyone that works with one of these.”

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