
She Made A Comment That She Prefers Sushi Over Children And She’s Telling The Internet One Of Her Family Members Got Mad About It

“Nobody asks pregnant couples why they decided to have kids. It’s always child-free folks that have to defend their choice. And I agree this is the weirdest comment I’ve read to someone who doesn’t want to be a parent.”


“Some days I feel like putting my kids before a bus. But then I come to my senses.”


“I hate the kind of people thinking you have to explain your choice not to have children to anyone who asks. My only answer is always: “Because I don’t want them.” My detailed reasons are mine and my partner’s private business.”

“I don’t defend myself for a basic, totally private life decision that no one should be shamed for. I don’t ask anyone who wants kids for their reasons either, because it’d be rude…”


“I empathize with people who have difficulty having children. But that empathy stops the moment they start acting like the rest of us are obligated to have kids simply because of their problems.”

“You don’t get to be mad or offended by someone else’s choice not to have kids, and especially not when you’re the one who keeps bringing the issue up in the first place.”


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