
After A Night Out, She And Her Best Friend Wound Up Dumped In Front Of Different Hospitals: Now She’s Dead, Her Friend Is In A Coma, And Their Families Say They Were Drugged Against Their Wills

“My daughter had “Read Receipt” on her text messages and after 5:48am NO TEXT was ever opened- she did not respond- NOT until around 5-6 PM was my daughter’s lifeless body was DUMPED on the sidewalk in front of a hospital- they removed the tag on the car- had their faces covered with Bandannas and mask!”

“Waited ANOTHER 2 hours and did the same to Hilda but at another hospital in the same condition- but they were able to revive her heart but her brain had already suffered too much oxygen Deprivation and is brain dead! My daughter would of fought like hell!!! Only way they kept her for 10 HOURS was to Subdue her !!!!!!!”

Facebook; pictured above is the post from Christy’s family

Christy’s family isn’t sure that these men will be held accountable, and they are currently trying to raise enough money to hire a private investigator and an independent forensic medical examiner.

“This story is by no means unique,” Carly Amos wrote on the GoFundMe page for Christy, Hilda, and their families.

“Since Saturday we’ve all received a number of messages from other females who have eerily similar stories, except the only difference between them & Christy and Hilda, is they survived.”

If you would like to donate to the GoFundMe page, you can do that here.

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