
Her Oldest Daughter’s Boyfriend Ate A Birthday Cake And Ruined A Party For Her Youngest Daughter So She’s Telling The Internet She Kicked This Guy Out

Now, Monica is saying her mom owes her boyfriend an apology because it basically wasn’t a big deal.

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“This dude seems insanely entitled. I’d ban him from my house entirely under threat of trespassing charges.”


“What an entitled, selfish jerk! It also seems like he is targeting Lily by breaking her camera and destroying her math project.”

“Who doesn’t know that a closed cake box is off-limits? Keep this guy out of your home and away from your youngest daughter.”


“Monica is also entitled as well based on the comment about the mother treating her boyfriend like it’s his house.”

“If both people can’t respect your rules Monica and the boyfriend it might be time for both to not come back.”

“The boyfriend isn’t entitled to anything in your house especially anything that’s not even Monica’s, but her reaction to you setting boundaries explains why he thinks he can get away with disrespect.”


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